The purposes of the International Society for Molecular Neurodegeneration (ISMND) are:
The Society’s ultimate goal is to create a multidisciplinary global platform for researchers from all different facets and levels of scientific disciplines to more readily connect in the field of Neurodegeneration.
In order to develop effective and innovative therapeutic strategies for future health therapies, The Society will, in addition to publishing high-quality, high-impact research, provide various interactive communal platforms such as conferences, meetings, webinars, and mentorship programs, as well as monetary awards (scholarships and fellowships) to enable the participation in such career-promoting activities for young researchers. In so doing, it will provide the next generation of scientists and multidisciplinary professionals fundamental scientific support, as well as a meaningful scientific community to acquire and disperse novel knowledge, enabling mutually beneficial collaborations. These activities will allow the scientific community to collectively gain novel insights into the molecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases leading to more comprehensive therapeutic interventions.