General sponsor ($1,000)

Sponsor (organization/individual) will be acknowledged in text on the ISMND website sponsor tab for a period of 6 months

Bronze sponsor ($2,000)

Sponsor will be acknowledged with organization/individual name, logo, and website link on the ISMND website sponsor tab for a period of 6 months, one 2 yr-complimentary ISMND professional membership is included

Silver sponsor ($5,000)

Sponsor will be acknowledged with organization/individual name, logo and website link on the ISMND website sponsors tab for a period of 12 months. Two complimentary 2 yr-ISMND professional memberships are included.

Gold sponsor ($10,000)

Sponsor will be acknowledged with organization/individual name, logo, website link and organization description/statement on the ISMND website sponsors tab for a period of 18 months during which period the organization/individual name and logo will also be displayed at all ISMND events (webinars etc.) and will be included in all social media posts promoting these events and ISMND email blasts. Gold sponsor level also provides the opportunity to name/brand one of the ISMND Science Webinars per year. Three 2 yr- complimentary ISMND professional memberships are included.

Platinum sponsor ($25,000)

Sponsor will be acknowledged with organization/individual name, logo, website link and organization description/statement on the ISMND website sponsors tab for a period of 18 months during which period the organization/individual name and logo will also be displayed on the ISMND home page and at all ISMND events (webinars etc) and will be included in all social media posts promoting these events and ISMND email blasts. Platinum sponsor level also provides the opportunity to name/brand two of the ISMND Science Webinars per year and one Scientific Session in the biennial ISMND meetings. Four complimentary 2 yr-ISMND professional memberships and two complimentary ISMND registrations are included.

Diamond sponsor ($100,000)

Sponsor will be acknowledged with organization/individual name, logo, website link and organization description/statement on the ISMND website sponsors tab and on the ISMND home page, and at all ISMND events (webinars etc.) and will be included in all social media posts promoting these events and ISMND email blasts. Diamond sponsor level also provides the opportunity to name/brand four of the ISMND Science Webinars per year and two Scientific Session in the biennial ISMND meetings. Ten complimentary 2 yr-ISMND professional memberships and five complimentary ISMND registrations are included.

General $1,000

Bronze $2,000

Silver $5,000

Gold $10,000

Platinum $25,000

Diamond $100,000

Name on ISMND sponsorship page

General $1,000

6 months

Bronze $2,000

6 months

Silver $5,000

12 months

Gold $10,000

18 months

Platinum $25,000

18 months

Diamond $100,000


Logo and website link on ISMND sponsorship page

General $1,000

Bronze $2,000

6 months

Silver $5,000

12 months

Gold $10,000

18 months

Platinum $25,000

18 months

Diamond $100,000


2 yr-complimentary ISMND professional membership

General $1,000

Bronze $2,000


Silver $5,000


Gold $10,000


Platinum $25,000


Diamond $100,000


Name and logo displayed at all ISMND events (e.g. webinar)

General $1,000

Bronze $2,000

Silver $5,000

Gold $10,000

6 months

Platinum $25,000

12 months

Diamond $100,000


Name and logo displayed on social media posts promoting ISMND events

General $1,000

Bronze $2,000

Silver $5,000

Gold $10,000

6 months

Platinum $25,000

12 months

Diamond $100,000


Name and logo displayed on ISMND email blasts

General $1,000

Bronze $2,000

Silver $5,000

Gold $10,000

6 months

Platinum $25,000

12 months

Diamond $100,000


Sponsorship of ISMND Science Webinars (per year)

General $1,000

Bronze $2,000

Silver $5,000

Gold $10,000


Platinum $25,000


Diamond $100,000


Sponsorship of Scientific Session in the biennial ISMND meetings

General $1,000

Bronze $2,000

Silver $5,000

Gold $10,000

Platinum $25,000


Diamond $100,000


Sponsorship of Scientific Session in the biennial ISMND meetings

General $1,000

Bronze $2,000

Silver $5,000

Gold $10,000

Platinum $25,000


Diamond $100,000


ISMND Sponsor

Bright Focus Foundation

ISMND Affiliated Journal

Bright Focus Foundation